Other Resource Organizations
Below, you will find links to some other helpful resources, including our guide for people who want to begin volunteering inside a prison or jail. For a much more extensive national resource list covering all types of services, go to https://www.prisonactivist.org/.
The Prison Activist Resource Center provides support and assistance to groups and individuals working to reform the prison system.
The Prison Phoenix Trust is an organization in the United Kingdom that works to bring meditation and yoga practices into the British prison system.
CO is a spiritual network of individuals and small faith communities committed to living the contemplative dimension of the Gospel, especially using the practice of Centering Prayer. They offer free instruction to people who are incarcerated.
PYP offers two yoga books, Yoga: A Path for Healing and Recovery (also available in Spanish) and Freedom from the Inside: A Woman’s Yoga Practice Guide, free to those who are incarcerated.
The PCF Book Initiative aims to make Pema’s books and recorded teachings available to underserved individuals, and the organizations that serve them, free of charge.
Lionheart offers the book Houses of Healing, part of the National Emotional Literacy Project for Prisoners.
FAMM’s mission is to create a more fair and effective justice system that respects our American values of individual accountability and dignity while keeping communities safe.
Just Detention International is a health and human rights organization that seeks to end sexual abuse in all forms of detention.
EZF fosters Zen practice in prisons and works to promote restorative justice practices.